
Showing posts with the label motivation

Jim Carrey's Moving Speech at MUM - Packed with Great Wisdom (and Some Humor)

Here's an even great reason to love Jim Carrey . I actually just came across his touching video tonight, taken while he was delivering a speech to the graduating students of 2014 at a prestigious university (Maharishi University of Management). His speech was really something, huh! Now, I wonder where was I when this video started circulating on the web? Indeed, this man rightfully deserves the recognition, an honorary degree, he received from the university. At one point in my life, I thought he's just one funny celebrity guy that can help erase people's problems (while watching his movies) but there's actually more to him than just being that. The video, as of this writing, has already reached close to 3 million views. And if you are not one of those who have already watched it, I'm sharing the video of his full speech here. Watching it should be well worth our time.. In fact, I really thought we should keep playing this over and over, if only to make sure that ...

3 Ways to Motivate Employees in the Workplace

Having a workforce that are motivated enough to deliver what is expected of them is one of the keys to having a successful business. As such, it is important for business and company owners to find ways to make sure that there is always motivation in the workplace. 1. Recognizing Well-Deserved Employees. Employers must never overlook their employees' good performance. A pat in the back often sends a message that their efforts didn't go unnoticed. More importantly, employees will be encouraged to do their best in the job if they see someone getting recognized or promoted for good performance. After all, nobody wants to get stuck or stagnate in their careers, right? Letting employees know that they are providing incentives for outstanding performers is also one way to motivate them to do even more than what is required of them. 2. Find the Time to Talk to Low-Performers Without Embarrassing Them. While having low-performers in the team can be hugely irritating for employers, ...

The Thirty Seconds that Made A Difference

Found this 30-second Coca Cola CEO speech all over the web and across social networking sites. I thought this is the best speech ever made to inspire each one of us to be efficient in our work so that we don't get to leave behind all the other important aspects of our life. For many employees out there, the message also boils down to one thing - time management ! There are times when some of us can be guilty for goofing around while at work and, as a consequence, we would end up stretching our time and sometimes to the point of not delivering the desired quality and amount of work that is often expected of us. That is not a commendable behavior. Sometimes, messages like this can give us the best motivation that we need in order to create a good balance in our life in order to end up happy and fulfilled. Happy Sunday to all. Looking forward to a great week.

a coffee-inspired life, anyone?

I ran into this beautiful video presentation about seeing life through a cup of coffee. I'd like to share it with you guys so we can all have a coffee-inspired life. :-) I guess, at some point, we are guilty for choosing the best cups even if what we really wanted was the coffee. Today, I resolve to enjoy  my coffee everyday even when they are not served from the best cups! Care to drink with me?

another reason to get motivated (i won!)

Here's another reason to get motivated. The results are already in and I am one of the winners to the Make A Wish Blog Contest! There were really a lot of beautiful entries to the contest that I am already happy that my entry landed on the third place. I can't wait to tell Joevilyn and my batchmates about this win! Thanks to blankPixels and her generous sponsors for this wonderful contest! P.S. I thought my post should already end right there.. But there are more words to say---- Last time, I actually bumped into Lemski's entry to the Make A Wish Blog Contest and I was touched that she actually wished for me to win the contest. To me, that sure was a winning entry. :-) Thank you, Lemski!!!!

are you motivated?

Sometimes it just gets me. I can't come up with a post. Life has been extremely busy. And a little stressful (most of which are my own doing). Indeed, I do need to prioritize things. After all, I'm still human and I need to breathe and exhale. Well, anyway, I guess I'm back on track. All it took was a little prayer and little motivation from my favorite motivational writer, Og Mandino. Thanks to the pdf search engine, I was able to browse again some excerpts from the Scroll Marked VI of The Greatest Salesman In The World .  The title may sound like a boring book about sales and marketing, but trust me - it's a book that you really can't put down. That's right. I thought of mom today. Yesterday, I also thought of her. And I'll always think of her every single day. She got me into liking Og Mandino's writings. She got me to memorize The Greatest Salesman's Prayer at the age of six. It's a long prayer but I was able to memorize...