make birthdays special without spending hugely
Indeed, birthdays can be made special without spending too much. In our case, here's how we've basically done it and I am sharing this to my blog as fun tips to help enjoy birthdays without splurging way too much.:-) 5 Tips to Make Birthdays Special Without Spending Hugely 1. Keep a low profile so that only the very few significant people will know that your birthday is coming. Only when your birthday is over that people will realize that you just had a happy one. :-) 2. Don't feel pressured about having to hold a birthday spree. Some friends or workmates are likely to send you a hint or two that they're expecting a birthday blowout but if it is not within your budget, you can just politely smile or beg off. For friends who send their birthday wishes on your Facebook's timeline (which you forgot to turn off), you can also jokingly say to your well-wishers " Your greetings are good but I need cash! " or " Can I convert all your birthday greetings...