can't sleep just yet
I am not really insomniac but there are really times when I can't get to sleep even when it's already past bedtime and even when the lights are already out. This is one of those times where I am still trying to keep myself sleepy while husband and daughter are already in the middle of their sleep. This gets me totally envious especially when I hear one of them snore! I'll leave that up for readers to guess which of them is the snoring type. :-) By the way, the reason why I'm having trouble sleeping today is probably because I had too much caffeine during the day. I rely too much on coffee (and sometimes cola or soda!), which is also why I can't bring my weight down. Actually, I can let go of soft drinks any time but my day would never be the same without a drink or two of coffee. I thought perhaps it is about time to go for brewed coffee instead of instant coffee mix. Hopefully and pretty soon, we can have our own coffee maker at home.