a late post about my mom's birthday

the happiest moment with mom
I thought I need to write one last post for the last day of May in honor of my late mom. This day happens to be her birthday until we learned later from one piece of legal document she had that her birthday actually fell on the 30th. I was already in high school when she declared that her real birthday is on the 30th and not the 31st. I was told my late grandfather and grandmother used to argue about these dates, too. I am not exactly sure about this confusion on her birthday. It wasn't really a big deal for her, though, since she can celebrate it on the 30th or on the next day.

Losing my mom was perhaps the most painful experience I've encountered so far in my life. I thought I still had a lot of time to be with her. I thought there's still time for her to be able to hold and cuddle her very first granddaughter. Unfortunately, God took her away from me just barely two months after my wedding. Oh, you can just imagine the extreme shift of emotions I had from the time of our wedding and the time when we lost her. Anyhow, time has it's own way of letting us cope with the pain of losing someone you really love. As the years went by, I have learned to embrace the fact that she's happier somewhere up there and that I should be happy as well because she didn't suffer long enough from her sickness. And although she's not physically here now, I can still connect to her when I think of her and the mother-daughter moments we had when she was alive. I miss all those moments with mommy because I can tell her almost anything. As for other things, she would look them up on my diary. :-) Oh mom, you can sneak up on every bit of my life now without having to read parts of my blog or my diary.


  1. I know your mom's happy that you & your family is doing well. I know there are moments when you feel her presence, so that's comforting to know she's always watching over you. Also, you have many great memories of her to share with your daughter too. If I could meet your mom right now, I'd tell her that I'm really lucky to be your friend & that you're such an awesome mother.

  2. bchai, thank you for the comforting words. grateful for the friendship.


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