
that one gift that made me smile

Husband and I will be celebrating our wedding anniversary next month. Yes, we will be turning 7! It's not that long a marriage yet but I've been really blessed with such a good husband and a wonderful father to our daughter. Every time our wedding anniversary comes near, my thoughts would often go back to our wedding day, like it's almost always in playback mode. Wedding photos are likely to get revisited, too. I wonder if most wives are like that. Or perhaps I'm the only one doing this. Sometimes it would even go as far back to the time that we were still in the boyfriend-girlfriend stage. Ah, things like these can really give a good start of the day. I also remembered some of the wedding gifts I have received from friends and family. I'll never forget one of those gifts from a friend that really made me smile (okay, chuckle should be the right word) - it's  bridal lingerie ! She practically gave her gift to me secretly in advance to make sure I'd be able

the start of a long December - a prelude to Christmas

It's still September but, if you look around, some people have already started putting up their Christmas decorations and making their homes feel like it's already the most wonderful time of the year. Oh, for some reason, I'm also excited that Christmas is already near. It's going to be a long December for many of us, indeed! Been planning to add Christmas series lights and a lighted lantern right outside the home to contribute to the Christmas-sy feel of the community. Husband thinks we should still put it off, though, because the country has been experiencing bad weather in succession lately and he wants to make sure we won't just ruin what we would spend for the decorations. Okay, so maybe we could start with a new Christmas tree inside the house? Spell budget. Budget spell. Well, we don't have to spend so much, right? :-)

how he ended up getting some inquiries

When we were at the mall to do some grocery shopping, I noticed that our little girl keeps looking at the yamaha pianos on display at the music shop. We then decided to stop by because her curious gaze then shifted to the guy who started tinkering the piano to play a really feel-good love song. The guy certainly made a pretty good show because more and more people just can't help but stop by and listen. Not only did he lure some people to appreciate his talent, he also ended up getting a lot of inquiries about the pianos. Eventually, he ended up getting a sale. Now, isn't that great, effortless but effective marketing?

happy annniversary to my blog

Today would have been the end of it all - I really thought my blogging days here are over but, thanks to dear husband, he has motivated me to keep this blog alive again. I sure was ready to let go and move on when I was having second thoughts of renewing this domain because I also rarely had the time to update this. The husband knew I loved this blog and wanted me to keep it for as long as I want it and if I still would want to do something about it. I am quite thankful he's extending his all-out support for this blogging hobby/pastime of mine. I love you, husband. Now, I hope to be able to pick up where I left off. 

it's a pleasure to be listened to

If you ask me today what kind of job I would want to do if I weren't doing what I am doing today, the first thing that comes to my mind is the teaching profession. Hopefully, someday I would get to fulfill this. However, there's another dream job that I would also want to try one day and that is to be a DJ. One of the challenges of aspiring DJs, though, is on their ability and willingness to learn how to operate different kinds of technology as they come. For me, I think I'd make a good DJ because I can imagine myself having fun while getting my hands busy with any DJ equipment. I thought it would be great to be listened to or to have an audience when you're talking or when you're playing music. I think this is a job that doesn't really feel like it's a job at all, especially if you're the type who loves music and is not also leaning to only a specific genre. Well, with this really cool job of playing and mixing music and talking to listeners, aging will

the little girl and her pink helmet

Our little preschooler loves her usual routine every weekday and that's because she gets to ride with her father on a bicycle on the way to and going back from school. Although we have a motorcycle, husband doesn't want to drive it when our daughter has to ride in it as well. He feels more at ease to have our daughter with him in the bicycle. After all, school is just around the corner; so, rather than having a pedicab ('trike') driver fetch her to and from school,  he finds it practical if he just pedals the bike through with our daughter as passenger. With this means of transportation, we have also saved a little.  Of course, besides making sure to drive safely and more carefully, he also lets her wear a helmet. He also made sure she is safely harnessed before he drives. Today, I woke up to find him doing some minor tinkering with the bike (added a new seat) as he wants the little girl safely seated in front beginning tomorrow. Speaking of schooldays, though, we are

towards our seventh this year

My husband is not the type who wants to wear jewelries and accessories. Yes, he is that simple. If there's one jewelry that I can ask him to wear, that would have to be our wedding ring; although that, too, is something I would sometimes need to remind him about. Anyway, speaking of my husband, I realized we've been married for almost seven years already. The other day, I jokingly hinted at him that since he did not give me anything on Valentine's Day (he's not the showy or mushy type), the seven years of our marriage very well deserve a Scott Kay wedding band as our anniversary gift for each other this year. Thankfully (not really sure why I said 'thankfully'), he didn't really say No to this suggestion. I thought I should at least feel a pang of hope but he only said to wait another 18 years. LOL. By then, I'm sure I would already have a different wish. Seriously, I'm really not that materialistic; although I also wouldn't mind being spoiled so