
blogging is a must for all businesses

I recently had a word with a friend/officemate who already started a home-based online business. I think she and her partner did pretty well that I thought going into it is worth a try one day. I guess I am going to have to start planning my own business as well. I must say that I find her small business blogging activities worth emulating one day. These days, I think that it is already expected for a small business, no matter what kind/type of business it is, to maintain a blog and update it frequently. This is one way that visitors will know that your business is very active because you have put every effort to maintain your website/blog and provide some information that visitors and potential customers might need to know. Right now, though, I am already contented with accepting content writing opportunities for extra income - SEO and the works. This is why I always see the need to update this blog every so often because I don't want potential clients to have a wrong impress

I miss blogging, big time

Thanks to a former officemate who left all her bookmarks on the computer which I am already using at work, I have learned some very useful tips about blogging and marketing. I particularly find Chris Brogan's blog interesting that I have actually subscribed to his posts and newsletter. Among the many things I learned from him was to never apologize if you haven't written in awhile. Hmmm, I must admit I was about to do that ('apologize') after contemplating on getting back to the blogging world. Anyway, I felt like it didn't matter to most readers/visitors that I was on hiatus - well aware of the fact that the world can go on without me or my blog update. Let me just say that I really miss blogging again, BIG time! I miss all my blogging friends. Time is indeed both an enemy and a friend - depends on how we make use of it. I'll have to remember that every time I choose not to update my blog just because I can always put it off tomorrow or the day after. :-)

The Thirty Seconds that Made A Difference

Found this 30-second Coca Cola CEO speech all over the web and across social networking sites. I thought this is the best speech ever made to inspire each one of us to be efficient in our work so that we don't get to leave behind all the other important aspects of our life. For many employees out there, the message also boils down to one thing - time management ! There are times when some of us can be guilty for goofing around while at work and, as a consequence, we would end up stretching our time and sometimes to the point of not delivering the desired quality and amount of work that is often expected of us. That is not a commendable behavior. Sometimes, messages like this can give us the best motivation that we need in order to create a good balance in our life in order to end up happy and fulfilled. Happy Sunday to all. Looking forward to a great week.

Motherhood celebrated

Sunday was pretty special because we were celebrating Mother's Day at home with the in-laws. It was actually a double celebration as hubby's aunt also celebrated her birthday. I felt special not because I received flowers from husband. As a matter of fact, he didn't think of giving me any but it is no reason for me to feel disappointed like I once used to. After all, flowers are not practical gifts because I will have to dispose of them when they rot and wither, anyway. See, I am starting to think like him. LOL. I am happy to say, though, that he took care of our laundry that day without asking me to help out. He also ordered 3 trays of leche flan from mother-in-law. That was clever of him to decide on having leche flan served on Mother's Day because it is also his favorite. :-) Overall, my heart is full of happiness because of the many blessings I have received from God. Motherhood is surely one of my biggest blessings. There may also be trials along the way but the

I Can't Stop Shopping!

Note: This is a sponsored post for Sway Chic   If you find that you can't stop shopping, maybe you should give your wallet to a trusted family member. You probably didn't need those high waisted shorts , or those cute dresses , but you wanted them, right? And that's all that mattered? At least try and buy shorter dresses. Since they are short and have less fabric they tend to cost less (unless designer). Short dresses can be worn technically on any occasion and can really help to flatter your figure. Although you don't want to go too short, mini-dresses can really help to alleviate hot flashes in the summertime and also make you feel sexy at the same time. Mini-dresses are most popular for clubbing and going to parties. Wearing a short dress can help you to attract men and really be the center of attention. If you've been working out in the gym a lot for a killer body, you may want to try for a shorter dress to really show off what you've be

hidden beach finally explored

Thanks to my in-laws who have planned for a summer vacation, we finally had the chance to explore the Hidden Beach in Aloguinsan, Cebu. We have planned to visit this place last year but due to the not-so-pleasant weather (there was a threat of typhoon at that time) where the van we were renting got stuck on the way to that hidden beach, we decided to change our course and headed to another beach in another town. You can only imagine the anticipation of being able to finally experience the white beach and the long shoreline. So, this summer, we finally made it happen. But, it almost didn't happen when, as we were on our way to where this beach was hidden, the rented van didn't seem to cooperate. Unfortunately, the vehicle's radiator leaked while we were still halfway through our destination. I think we were in Naga at that time, which spoiled our anticipation for a good swim. I thought we wouldn't push through with the Hidden Beach summer outing. I thought we will

Do you have fast fingers?

Working for a BPO company has definitely taught me more than just delivering quality work. It has also taught me that speed is an equally important factor. After all, swiftness in terms of delivering any kind of service is important. If you have fast fingers , for instance, you will surely do well with delivering encoding and book formatting services; provided, of course, that you also have the required skills that are needed for these tasks. Do you have fast fingers? I do. Ahem! I also know some of them who do. They can format your e-books and best-selling books at the most reasonable cost. I think I am going to have to try their service as soon as my book is done.