
dipdip's taking a dip

Take a look at Dipdip taking a dip. This was taken a few Saturdays back. Boy, is she mad at her father? I guess we need to buy a bathtub for her. LOL. She doesn't cry though when it's her nanny who gives her the bath.

monitoring bank rates

Stopping by for some thoughts on Economics. Investing some of your money may be the best way to fight economic recession. There are several ways to invest-- you can put up your own business, invest in stocks, bonds, real estate, or in products offered by banks. If you choose to invest in banks,it is better to do some research especially on the risks involved and the rates they are offering before handing over your hard earned money to them. If you're interested in investing on certificate of deposits, for instance, it is really wise to monitor and check on the best CD Rates offered by different banks.

my thoughts on may 31st

Yesterday we went over to Compostela to celebrate my late mom's birthday. We, minus my dad and brothers who are abroad, attended mass and got together for dinner. I don't know but I just felt bad that dad didn't try to make it to the celebration in memory of mom. He just chose to stay in Medellin because he said he's got work on Monday (that's today). Even though he also scheduled and attended mass in Medellin church for mom, I expected him to go out of his way to make it to Compostela. I thought maybe he's just not comfortable being around his in-laws because maybe (just maybe) he'd feel awkward because the in-laws are somewhat aware that he's dating someone. And maybe he wants to avoid any discussion with them about it. I know that he's already free to date (and I don't have any right to go against his decision or his happiness) when he became a widower but I don't know, maybe it just takes a lot of getting used to. Or perhaps I expected to

separation anxiety

"At work, you think of the children you have left at home. At home, you think of the work you've left unfinished. Such a struggle is unleashed within yourself. Your heart is rent." -- Golda Meir Ever since I got back from work, I couldn't help but think about my daughter back home. Yes, it's separation anxiety. I know all working mothers go through this and it's only a matter of time till they can adjust to the situation, but, I don't know how long it would take for me, I just felt so bad about leaving my daughter behind to the care of a nanny when I should be the one attending to her. Why bear a child and leave her behind ? I thought if my daughter could only complain, she would probably ask me that. Mama and papa needs to work baby, so we can afford raising you and sending you to school someday. It's called a mother's sacrifice. It's painful having to leave your child to somebody else, especially when that somebody is not even your relative.

BP update

it's been awhile since i've last monitored my blood pressure. i felt like everything's going back to normal. or so i thought. when i went back to my ob gyne last sunday for a post-natal checkup, i had a BP reading of 130/90. i used to be 110/70 prior to pregnancy. doctor said that i might be hypertensive already. chronic hypertension, that is. she will refer me to an internist when my BP wouldn't go down below 130/90 after june 6th. i think that's already past the 6-week recovery period from c-section. she said that 130/90 BP is a boundary between normal and hypertensive and with that, i need to closely monitor my BP. nowadays, i am told, a systolic of 90 and above needs aggressive treatment because of a high incidence of stroke in patients ages 30 and above. whew, that's the scary part. i guess i would need to closely monitor my BP again, and eat healthy foods. *sigh*

turning two months today

"There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it." - Chinese Proverb wohooooo... what's up? dipdip is now two months old. wow, that was fast. it still feels like yesterday when i gave birth but when i look at my daughter, my golly, i can't believe that the child i'm seeing before my very eyes came from me! a product of love. she's grown bigger each day and Lord knows how thankful i am for giving me this wonderful gift. she will become my new inspiration. i will give all my best to be the kind of mom that she deserves.