the pink blouse and memories from the past Christmases

I'd like to write about our memories from the past Christmases we've had here in A Walk Through Life. Let me just say that last year's Christmas was our first Christmas together with our then nine-month-old baby. So far, we have enjoyed the challenge in our journey and life as parents.

Yes, this was how it was three Christmases ago. Just got married here.

And this was how it was two Christmases ago. A picture of us taken during a company Christmas party -

where I wrote about my merry bloated Christmas. Why I called it a merry bloated Christmas? Let the photos speak for themselves. :-)

Now, I realized when I wrote about last year's Christmas in my other blog - I showed photos of me wearing the same pink blouse I wore when I was still pregnant.

I also wore the same blouse during my daughter's baptism when she was about four months old. Do you know what this means? It means I don't have a lot to wear! Kidding aside, I think it looked like I lost some weight in the photo below but that was because I've had health issues at this time. Remember that bleeding story involving the birth control pills? :-) After I got past that, it was already a struggle to get out of my postpartum body.

And then some months back, I must confess, I have worn that blouse again. Waaaaaa... So much for these changes in my life! Maybe it would help if I'd wear that pink preggy blouse no more? :-)

Anyway, I really wish this Christmas would be a merry Christmas - not a merry bloated one! I can't promise that one though because, in the coming weeks, my diet plans are somewhat threatened. We'll be having that dinner with ex-officemates. They say we should make this an annual thing.What about Christmas Day and New Year's Day where there's a lot of food prepared on the table, you ask? Hmmm, I just wish I'd lose my appetite this month of December. Good luck to my diet!


  1. Christmas with a new baby is really so exciting. It's as if you feel that the baby knows it's a special day, lol!

  2. hi kimmy.. you're right.. thanks for visiting and leaving some comments


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