seriously considering a budget hosting service

As you already know, I've already had my own parenting blog. I just bought the new domain name like two weeks ago. Husband and I have been debating over the choice of the domain name because we could never agree on each other's suggestions. It wasn't until I came up with the domain name 'our life as parents' that he finally agreed with me. Thankfully, this domain name was available for registration and so I have quickly registered for the domain name so that I could start writing contents for it for the month of April. As you know, we also argued about the choice of the website's extension - whether it should be a dot com, dot info, dot org, etc. I thought a dot com would give my parenting site more authority but husband wanted to use a dot info because it costs less to have than a dot com. Eventually, he finally gave in.

Anyhow, all my sites are still hosted under a free platform but eventually we will see about acquiring a new web hosting service for the newer one, depending on the site's performance. I've read that there's a lot more things you can do for your site when it is hosted by a reliable web hosting service. The geeks have recently reviewed a new web hosting service and I'm really glad that they came out with that information on budget hosting because I know this is really something that me and my husband can agree on. :-) So far, we are not complaining about the free platform yet but like I said, we are looking into the possibility of having the newer site hosted under another reliable new web hosting service pretty soon.


  1. Hi meretrisha! May you please shed light on how to buy own domain on this free platform. I've always wished to have my own domain for my blog. How much should I set aside for this?

  2. hi jul! are you using the blogger platform? if so, it should be easy to buy a domain name from their interface (just go to the Settings tab on your dashboard, click Publishing, Custom domain and then just take it from there). However, I noticed that they only accept credit card payments. If you want to buy domain name using paypal, just pm me. :-) by the way, you can also read from the geeks' blog for more info about domain names. as for the cost of domain, you can set aside ten dollars or less for it.

  3. Yes, I'm using the blogger platform. Thanks for the tips and congrats on your PR!!! :)

  4. Awesome. Wordpress is pretty good to use for a blogging platform, although you have to be careful when you're tinkering with CSS layouts. (Remember, I had a headache when I screwed up mine).

    As for web hosting sites, I use Just Host, and I've never had a problem with them. They're fairly cheap too, which why I went with them in the first place. I just think it's best to look into other hosting services and choose one that fits your budget and needs. ;)

  5. yes, wordpress really requires patience. i do have the patience although im not sure if i have the time to be patient. thanks for sharing, dear.

  6. I have considered going to a domain name as well. . .but obviously I haven't yet! Best of luck with your new blog!


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